Northeast HCI Meeting

Works in Progress Information

Conference to host NE Region HCI Researchers Virtually and at Carnegie Mellon University May 8-10, 2024

Works in Progress Information

Works in Progress will occur in the afternoon on Wednesday, May 8 from 2:00-3:30pm and 4:00-5:30pm. Works in Progress sessions will be a small-group discussion format across 3 parallel tracks in a hybrid format.

See the the draft schedule for more details and breakout group assignments.

Each group will have 90 minutes to discuss 3 WIP papers. We will spend 30 minutes on each paper, with approximately 5 minutes for the authors to give a short presentation on the paper and 25 minutes for group discussion and feedback. Each group will also have a faciltiator to help moderate the conversation and provide additional feedback.

WiP Papers

Works in Progress Papers are available in this Google Folder.

Instructions for All WiP Attendees:

Any meeting attendee is welcome to attend the Works in Progress session! We ask that attendees (and presenters) do the following:

Instructions for Presenters:

We are asking that each author prepare a short 5 minute oral presentation (without slides) to briefly introduce their WIP to the group. We suggest that the presentation contain the following elements:

We ask that WIP authors read over the other 2 WIP papers in their session ahead of time to give feedback. We will recommend that other meeting attendees also take a brief look at the papers before attending a WIP session.

Instructions for Facilitators:

Please take a look at the papers in your breakout group before the session, in order to help give feedback to authors. Faciltiators can also help moderate the conversation and keep track of time of the sessions.